Auto Warkey Dota 1

Dota Hotkeys Installation Guide: Setting up the Dota Hotkeys is super duper easy: Step 1: Get the Dota Hotkeys Download. Step 2: Unzip the file and double click the “dotahotkeys.exe”. Step 3: Now you will find this tray icon on your desktop (in the lower right corner). Step 4: To open the Dota Hotkeys Settings just rightclick the Dota. Warkey is a utility that allows you to custom and configure your HotKeys of your DotA inventory, as well as the skills of your heroes of DotA 1, adapting your characters to your best style of game, in order to get a better an performance and efficiency during your matches.

File: Dota Hotkeys
Author: Vinthian
Lenguage: English
Version: 1.06b
Size: 204 KB.
Filename: dotahotkeys.exe

DotA hotKeys is a little utility program which can be used to custom the Hot keys of the DotA inventory (Items). DotA hotkeys also has other additional options available, such as edit Quick Chat, show HP of enemies and allies, and disable the Keyboard Windows key.

DotA hotkeys Features

– Show Ally HP and Enemy HP
– Disable Windows Key
– Edit Quick Chat
– Edit Hotkeys
– This dota hotkeys works with the maps DotA 6.88w9, 6.88v3, 6.88u, DotA 6.85k and others maps.
– Works with Garena, RGC and other platforms.
– Supports Warcraft 1.27a, 1.27b and 1.28.
– DotA hotkey for Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7.


– Unzip the downloaded file…

– Copy the dotahotkeys.exe file to the main warcraft folder…

– Run dotahotkeys.exe file as administrator (right-click on it, and then click “Run as administrator”)…


– Now, you can see next to the Windows clock a icon…


– Just click it with the right mouse button and custom your hotkeys commands (“Edit Hotkeys”), and and then click “OK”…

– If you want you can also “edit Quick chat”…

How to Download DotA Hotkeys


Click on the link for a free download dota hotkey for windows …

Frequent errors and solutions

1.-Auto warkey dota hotkey download

Warkey Dota 1 Download

The DotA Hot keys customized aren’t working.
Auto Warkey Dota 1Solution: Close the program and run again as administrator (Right Click the dotahotkeys.exe file and select the option Run as administrator).

Auto Warkey Dota Hotkey

2.-Error:The same variable cannot be used for more than one control. The current thread will exit….
Solution: In certain instances this error message is displayed, just close the program and run again as administrator.